Diabetes and life style education delivered by Dr.Shivaa Mohan in layman terms in multiple languages.
We specialize in diagnosis of different types of diabetes that includes type 2 Diabetes, type 1 diabetes, lada, fcpd, gestational diabetes, drug induces Diabetes.
We employ fit care strategy to control blood sugar within 14 days irrespective of the range of high blood sugar level.
We diagnose neuropathy with biothesiometry and assess plantar foot Pressure for prevention of diabetic foot ulcer
For diagnosis and effective treatment of hypertension for organ Protection we use 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
We employ the use of vein finder to avoid extra pricks for blood collection Gold standard methods followed for blood sample collection.
We use flash glucose monitoring system that uses a sensor to monitor the Blood sugar every 15 minutes for 14 days for treatment initiation and Continuation.